Metro Accounts Sales Manager MI, Battle Creek

Apertura Futura: Metro Accounts Sales Manager

Full Time • MI, Battle Creek
The Dinges Fire State Manager position is one of if not the most important positions within the company. It takes a Dynamic, Responsible, Always On, Team Player that will Crush Sales Goal Expectations. How the State Manager interacts and pushes his/her team has a direct effect on the overall growth of the State and Dinges Fire as a whole.

  • Must have firefighter background and understand all aspects of Fire Department and EMS needs. We are Firefighters Selling to Firefighters!
  • The manager should be willing to work to give the departments excellent customer service with the goal being EVERY Fire Department Chief and Decision Maker in the State will know you personally. This is a Big Goal, but one you must work tirelessly to achieve.
  • The position requires being on the road within the State weekly. Plus, several times a year, attend meetings at the Amboy home office and numerous Fire Shows as needed. Travel within your assigned State, working with our Sales Team and Fire Departments in all aspects of our growing company is one of the most important tasks with this position.
  • This position requires a manager that understands the word ‘FLUID'. Dinges Fire is a growing company.  Items on this list can be added or taken away at a moment's notice. It is vital that the State Manager can adapt and thrive while rolling with the changes.
  • The State Manager must be adept at growing business without daily in-person management. The position requires home office space.

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Somos un empleador con igualdad de oportunidades y todos los candidatos calificados recibirán consideración por el empleo sin distinción de raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, estado de discapacidad, estado de veterano protegido o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley.

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